浙江鑫盛永磁科技有限公司(以下简称“鑫盛永磁”或“公司” )一消息人士向亚洲金属透露,该厂5月份钕铁硼磁材产量约为65吨,与4月份的80吨相比,环比下跌19%,但同比略有上涨。今年1-5月该厂钕铁硼磁材产量约为400吨,同比增加30%。
鑫盛永磁钕铁硼磁材年产能为1800吨,是一家集永磁材料及其应用产品的研发、生产和销售于一体的高新技术企业。公司以国内外行业一流标准配置了ICP光谱分忻仪、性能测试仪、哈斯特试验箱、真空速凝炉、真空烧结炉、气流磨、自动磁场压机等一系列先进设备和仪器,有力保障了生产、检测、 实验维持在高水准运行。
Shanghai CJ Magnet is a manufacturer producing sintered NdFeB magnets.
CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.
CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.
CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.
CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.