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Time:June 24, 2014 View:2080
公司自主开发的新产品顺利通过验收历时近一年,公司自主研发的混合动力和纯电动汽车驱动电机专用磁钢, 以及1.5MW风力发电机专用磁体等两个新产品于六月二十四日顺利通过专家组的鉴定验收,正式列为浙江省省级工业新产品。未来公司将持续进行科技创新,加快新 产品的研发进程,不断提高产品的科技含量,真正为科技兴企提供充沛的动力。
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NdFeB: A Primer on Rare-earth Permanent Magnet Materials with Shanghai CJ Magnet
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.11 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.18 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.25 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.05.05 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets
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May 5, 2022
NdFeB: A Primer on Rare-earth Permanent Magnet Materials with Shanghai CJ Magnet

Shanghai CJ Magnet is a manufacturer producing sintered NdFeB magnets.

May 5, 2022
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.11 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.

May 5, 2022
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.18 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.

May 5, 2022
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.04.25 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.

May 5, 2022
【CJ Magnet】Magnetic materials @2022.05.05 Price Trend of Raw Material of Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

CJ Magnet will share the price trend information of rare earth raw materials for your reference when purchase rare earth permanent magnet materials and magnet assembly.
